Dr. H. Is a Ham

Monster Migraine Update: I saw the lovely Dr. H. this morning for my second ever series of Botox injections. When she came in, the first question she asked was if I even wanted to have the Botox treatment. She didn’t want to go through with the injections if I didn’t believe there was any chance they could help.I told her that I am open to any and every treatment that will potentially lessen the constant pain that I have been living with since August last year.And so… and so… Botox!

Which means my head hurts exponentially worse for the next week, and I’ll be puking and nauseous for the next month… all for the small chance that it actually does something this time.

She didn’t want to go through with the injections if I didn’t believe there was any chance they could help.

I have more infusions the second week in April and a new bottle of Tramadol since the Midrin I’ve been taking for pain does nothing. At least the Tramadol makes me sleepy.

While she was planning out my infusion medications, we were discussing anti-nausea meds to accompany my DHE. Typically Reglan is given with DHE, but I’ve been getting Zofran (which is typically used for pregnant women and chemotherapy patients. I have a prescription for dissolve tabs in addition to the Phenergan I take pretty much daily.) She wants to switch me back to Compazine for the infusions to try to avoid the horrible after effects of the DHE, ie.. me vomiting when I get home from my infusions. I asked why she didn’t just give me the Reglan, and she started doing funny things with her mouth and told me it can cause Tardive Dyskinesia.

Not that any disease or disorder is anything to laugh about, but in my household, Tardive Dyskinesia is an inside joke. Every time the “class action lawsuit” commercials come on we stick our tongues out at each other.

Dr. H. said she would hate for me to have to participate in a class action lawsuit. HA! It made my day.

I’m curling up with my dog and my blanket and my pillow and my gallon Ziploc full of pill bottles.

IV Infiltration Sounds Like a Fun Spy Novel- It’s Not

It took four people to get an IV into me for my infusion today, and then on my third medication my IV came out of the vein an infiltrated. My left arm is swollen and full of magnesium somethingorother. Then I had to get another IV. Then my hospital room sprung a leak. My husband used my cup to catch the water from the window.

I did get to see my sister for a few minutes.

My nurse quoted Harry Potter.

My head still hurts… and because of the delay with my new IV there was too much time between my anti-nausea meds and my DHE so I feel like I might puke.

Mazel tov! It’s a yucky day!

Have Fat – Will Complain

Bad pain day. I slept until 1:30 PM thank goodness.

When my head hurts like this I try not to move much, and I do the things that distract me from my pain- sleep, play my ukulele and sing, take hot hot baths… etc.

I should have made a grocery list. We should have gone to the grocer this evening. But, no. I just can’t do it.

Luckily I made some vegetable broth last week and froze it, and I try to keep beans, onions, celery, and carrots around. I made a vegetable soup for dinner with some mini penne pasta, lots of celery seed and parsley (it’s a new thing I’m doing), chick peas, and spinach for colour.

I’ve been drinking smoothies, herbal teas, and doing salt water flushes. I have this desire to make the inside of my body really clean. My constant Monster Migraine causes tons of nausea and vomiting and makes my stomach and digestive system a mess. Throw in opiates, which cause horrible constipation issues and you have a cocktail for intestinal misery. I try to avoid all that by super hydrating, eating lots of fruit and plain yogurt, and doing things that help my body remove toxins.

One would think I’d lose weight or something… but NOOO. Stupid Nortriptyline and Seroquel.