Have Fat – Will Complain

Bad pain day. I slept until 1:30 PM thank goodness.

When my head hurts like this I try not to move much, and I do the things that distract me from my pain- sleep, play my ukulele and sing, take hot hot baths… etc.

I should have made a grocery list. We should have gone to the grocer this evening. But, no. I just can’t do it.

Luckily I made some vegetable broth last week and froze it, and I try to keep beans, onions, celery, and carrots around. I made a vegetable soup for dinner with some mini penne pasta, lots of celery seed and parsley (it’s a new thing I’m doing), chick peas, and spinach for colour.

I’ve been drinking smoothies, herbal teas, and doing salt water flushes. I have this desire to make the inside of my body really clean. My constant Monster Migraine causes tons of nausea and vomiting and makes my stomach and digestive system a mess. Throw in opiates, which cause horrible constipation issues and you have a cocktail for intestinal misery. I try to avoid all that by super hydrating, eating lots of fruit and plain yogurt, and doing things that help my body remove toxins.

One would think I’d lose weight or something… but NOOO. Stupid Nortriptyline and Seroquel.

What do you think?