
This 👍

Compounded Issues with Pain


If you think pain is the biggest issue … you’re missing the bigger picture!

Quality of Life Scale


I might have to show this to my therapist freaking GENIUS!

Chronic Illness Cat On Pain Scales


from the amazing Nikki Ourand Lambert

[picture of a Siamese cat’s head against a triangle-sectioned background with many shades of blue. Top line of text reads: I’ve lived with chronic, severe pain for so long now || Bottom line of text reads: that I no longer have a frame of reference for the pain scale.]

Chronic Illness Illustrated


Chronic Illness, Explained

Some ways I’ve learned to manage my longstanding health conditions. By Jamia. Illustration by Leanna.

Making Invisible Illness Visible


I am starting a thing called #myinvisiblepain !

This is to spread awareness of invisible diseases! Draw a picture, or a digital doodle on a photo to illustrate where your symptoms are!

I know my diagrams will look different on a day to day basis, so I will be making more! Reblog for your spoonie friends and family, or reblog if you are a spoonie yourself!

Pain is the Drug


What many people don’t understand is that pain itself


Feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium)

Feverfew (also known as featherfew or bachelor’s buttons) is a flowering perennial in the daisy family. It has been grown throughout history for a variety of purposes. 

The only medical purposes supported by research are Feverfew’s use at preventing migraine headaches. Some people also believe it has uses as a general tonic, reducing symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, menstrual cramps and as a mood lifter but little scientific research has been carried out

It can be prepared by making a tea/infusion of the flowers in boiling water, by drying and crushing the leaves or by eating the leaves fresh. It has a bitter taste. 

Should not be consumed while pregnant or by children under 3 years of age.


Migraña y yo, mejores amigas.


“Let them know you love them” ~ Wayne Simpson, from Migraine Support Group. Keep these tips handy to take care of loved ones during a migraine attack :


7 Signs That You May Be Having A Migraine


Migraines don’t always come with a headache. Do you get any of these? Find out more here :

24 Hours Left to Get 25% Off

Use discount code EARLY to get 25% off this original MONSTER BRAIN tank designed by My Brain Hates Me. Support a girl, a brain, and their dysfunctional relationship as they try to work things out.

CLICK HERE! Only 24 hours left in the sale! Shirts available for 6 days more!