Me. Always.



Depression Leads to Hope for Relief


Depression Leads to Hope for Relief #health #optimism #treatment #rheumatologist #spoonie #depression #hope #chemo #vasculitis



Depression is a part of chronic illness, it’s inevitable, some deal better than others with that fact but we all face this issue head on at some point. Today was simply just one of those horrific days for me. I was so confident I’d awaken refreshed and bright eyed ready for discharge since I’d gotten down a 6” Subway sandwich the night before, my only food in about 6 days maybe more. So when I…

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Show Me Where It Hurts


my hands were bothering me so I decided to draw on all the places it hurts. I had to draw some extra on my thumb because stretching it out made it worse.

(this was a great exercise to remind myself that I’m not exaggerating.)



Kill me.

Spread Knowledge, Not Awareness Ribbons

I don’t want anyone with any kind of pain to suffer longer than they should have to because they can’t find information.

If you know someone with a chronic condition, pay attention to the information that they share with you. It just might be the information you need one day, or a friend needs, or your parent or child needs.

There are some very wonderful people in my life who live with chronic conditions and they work very hard to spread awareness. Awareness isn’t a ribbon, it’s knowledge. That’s why I blog when I feel up to it. And that’s why I’m trying to vlog. (Even though I hate the term “vlog.”)

If you have knowledge, set it free. You’ll be rewarded a thousandfold

When we have a good day…



When I accomplish everything I need to do and still have spoons left…



you know you have chronic illness when:


you get supper exited when there are sales on supplements, so you stock up for the next 3 months

If you are struggling, here is a hug to take with you on your journey. Don’t be too hard on yourself, love. You got this.

What I Did With My Functional Hour

My accomplishments for today:

  • Ordered my son about as he took down our Halloween decorations and switched out laundry (because he’s a good helper, but an angry little helper)
  • Re-pinked my hair
  • Had a cup of coffee. I take mine white (all cream!!!!)
  • Had a heart to heart with the boy


Don’t bring up the past of a person who is trying to improve their future

It’s hard for me to accept this sometimes. I want so badly for everyone to like me.