Gouge Me With a Spoon

Day 2 of DHE infusion… I have to drive myself to the hospital this morning. This should be amusing. First I have to figure out bathing with this stupid IV. Of course it’s in my right arm and I’m right handed. It messes up my entire routine and I’m very, very stressed out. I think I would rather just get stuck again tomorrow than have to keep this thing in my arm another day.

First they give me Benadryl and Reglan, then I wait for 20 minutes and they give me the DHE. Then I wait an hour. If my head pain is gone I go home. If it is not, as was the case yesterday, I get another dose of the DHE. but not nearly close enough to the Reglan (an anti-nausea medication) to prevent me from suffering a huge wave of topsy-turvy nausea.

At least MCV has valet parking.

I see the lovely Dr. H. tomorrow before my last treatment this week. I’m still waiting to hear from the Jefferson Headache Center in Philadelphia.

I’m into my sixth month of feeling like someone is trying to dig out my left eyeball with a spoon. It’s really becoming difficult to fake being upbeat for my family.

I’ll write a more positive, less bitchy blog later. I’m just running on little sleep and a lot of pain and I’m cranky to the gills.

What do you think?